Sunday, February 13, 2011

U.S. poll 12 most important countries to the United States topped China

 According to Seven of ten Americans believe that China's happening to the U.S.

more and more Americans see China as the most important countries to the United States, people who hold this view has been an increase of more than 12% in 2007. In the eyes of ordinary Americans, reflected the importance of China in China, the United States and the enormous influence of the world economy aspects.

the American view on Iraq, the greatest changes in the last four years, that Iraq In 2007, President Bush just announced his Iraq

the eyes of the Americans on America's most important in 12 countries, the Chinese living in the first place, slipped to fifth place in Iraq, Afghanistan, placed sixth and eighth in Pakistan, Egypt, IX, XI, Russia, India ranked the last one. (Shen Shu Hua)

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